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Earth Day Plumbing Tips

In honor of Earth Day, we are going to share a few tips on how you can conserve water at home and maybe even put some "green" back into your wallet.

FIX THOSE LEAKY FAUCETS Has that stubborn faucet in your bathroom been leaking? Or maybe your toilet is making that funny noise again? It's time to address those leaks because not only is it wasting water but it could also be increasing your water bill.


If you have an aging water heater, it may be time for an upgrade. It could be using more water and energy than it needs to. Upgrading to a more energy efficient water heater could save you money on your water bill.

If it's not quite time for an upgrade, considering adjusting the temperature. That is quick and easy to do and will also help save you money.


Did you know the average family uses more than 300 gallons of water per day? By installing low flow fixtures in your kitchen and bathroom, it will help reduce the amount of water you use daily almost in half.


Toilet usage accounts for about 24% of a household's daily water usage. I'm sure you've seen a dual flush toilet but it has two functions: half flush for liquid waste and a full flush for solid waste. Installing just one dual flush toilet in your house, could help significantly decrease your water usage.

These are just a few simple things you can do to make an impact on Earth Day. If you need our help give us a call 703-628-4292!

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